Port Positions Dialog

The Port Positions Dialog displays the angles to both the laser ports and diagnostic ports in the target chamber. The angles displayed are the polar and azimuthal angles of a spherical polar coordinate system. This dialog is often useful in setting up the target grid and orienting the target appropriately in the target chamber because the port angles can be displayed in the coordinate system of any target component, any diagnostic port, or any laser port.

To view the Port Positions Dialog, select View | Port Positions.

Laser and diagnostic ports can be sorted by column values (e.g., polar angle).

In the table, there are two modes used in displaying the azimuthal angle of a port in the reference coordinate system.

When viewing Diagnostic Ports, the check box in the right-most column indicates which ports have lines of sight (LOSs) that are viewable. When diagnostic port lines of sight are displayed in the Main Graphics Frame (set using the Show | Diag. Port Lines of Sight menu item), the LOSs that are viewable will be displayed with a green line. (To rotate a view about a diagnostic port LOS, see Rotating About Axes in Graphics Viewing Controls.)



The Chamber Ports Viewer graphically displays the port positions using the specified reference coordinate system. To display the viewer, click on the Show Ports in Viewer button in the lower right portion of the Port Positions Dialog.

In the viewer:

Tool buttons at the top of the viewer support zooming, rotations, and previewing views from Diagnostic Ports and Laser Beam Ports. When in Preview Mode (camera icon), when clicking on a port name, a popup showing the view from that port is displayed.

The polar and azimuthal (theta, phi) angles for the viewing (reference) coordinate system are shown at the top of the viewer. To change the reference coordinate system, the user can enter new values in the boxes or adjust the sliders. [Note that if theta = 0, the view is from the north pole, regardless of the value of phi.]





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